The whereabouts of a logomaniac

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To faith and beyond…

     “The root of religion is imagination. We can imagine a world where there is no hunger and death and so we imagine heaven. We can imagine a being that is sensitive and kind and generous and unconditionally loving, and so we imagine God. Take away imagination, and there is no heaven or God. It…

print(“My love-hate relationship with coding”)

‘—–Code Compiled Successfully!—–‘ the dialog box read. The pupils of my eye dilated as I read this. I decided to reward myself with a shot of espresso as I had been through a tough time writing code without any help from Google. Yeah, I know those who code have taken the previous statement with a…

“It’s all about the Benjamins baby”

     Picture this. You are residing in the fanciest neighbourhood of a bustling megalopolis, the cars unaffordable by anyone and everyone are parked in a huge garage in the basement of your luxurious villa, you are sipping coffee filled up to the brim of a pricey mug made from the world’s best beans, a servant…

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